Wednesday, March 21, 2012

San Xing Dui Museum

Good Evening guys, I just came back from half a day's activity, and felt exhausted after what we did today. Well, we had lesson as per normal, and Mr Lim had started to teach chapter 4 of our core module. Just two more topics and we're ready for exam. We had a miniature excursion to the San Xing Dui museum, where all archaeological artifacts in ancient China are put up on display. It was only a 10 minutes drive from our school, and 46 students, including teachers managed to squeeze into a miniature bus! We took some group photos when we arrived at the museum, and started flying kites! The cold chilly wind blew across our faces as we tried flying our kites. My friends and I did many attempts to fly it, but only Doyle succeeded in it. Some of us tried out best, however we failed. What made us laughed was when my kite, and Doyle's got stuck on a tree, and it was impossible to retrieve it. We visited 2 sites in the museum, and I am amazed by what the archaeologist found. Artifacts such as, stone weapons used for hunting, pots and pans for containing food, and many others.


After the trip to the museum, my friends and I went for dinner, and decided to give ourselves a treat. We had "Ma La ToFu", Hotpot beef, and other spicy dishes. I ate to my heart's content, as we ordered 6 different variety of dishes, ranging from non-spicy to spicy ones. If dinner was like this daily, my stomach would be the happiest organ. Well guys, I had an awesome day today and I'm going to have an early night, shall post again tomorrow, goodnight all.

Nicholas (21/03/2012)

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